Directions to SoCal Self Storage in Northridge, California

Map & Directions to SoCal Self Storage

SoCal Self Storage

9000 Corbin Ave Northridge, CA 91324


Office Hours

9:00am - 6:00pm
9:30am - 4:00pm

Access Hours

7 Days A Week
Monday - Saturday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Driving Directions

Coming from the South:

Head north on Corbin Ave. SoCal Self Storage - Northridge is located on Corbin Ave after the railroad tracks on the right hand side of the street, near Nordhoff St.

Coming from the North:

Head south on Corbin Ave. SoCal Self Storage - Northridge is located on Corbin Ave on the left hand side of the street, near Nordhoff St.

Coming from the East:

Head west on Nordhoff St. and continue pass Tampa Blvd. Stay in the right hand lane making a left turn at Corbin Ave. SoCal Self Storage - Northridge is located on Corbin Ave on the left hand side of the street near Nordhoff St.

Coming from the West:

Head east on Nordhoff St. and continue until Corbin Ave. Making a left turn at Corbin Ave. SoCal Self Storage - Northridge is located on Corbin Ave on the right hand side of the street near Nordhoff St.